Should I be drinking coffee is a question I commonly get asked. With around 95 million cups of coffee a day being consumed in the UK, it's one of our most popular drinks and messages tend to be mixed around whether it is good or bad for us. In this article I'll outline the pros and cons associated with one of the nations favourite drinks.
It has been said in the past that too much coffee is bad for you due to the caffeine content. However, recent research indicates a shift in opinion, with moderate consumption associated with a number of health benefits.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommend up to 400mg/day as being a safe level for most adults. This equates to about 3 filter coffees. For pregnant women, the advice is to limit to 200mg/day.
The Bottom Line
Everyone reacts to caffeine differently and how we metabolise it varies. Some can happily have an espresso with dinner and sleep like a baby whereas others may find that any coffee after midday affects their sleep. It's worth experimenting to identify your own tolerance levels. For those who don't get on with caffeine, decaf coffee has also been shown to contain those health enhancing polyphenols.
So if you enjoy that lovely mid-morning coffee, relax and savour it, you may be supporting your health too.
Debra Mitchell
Registered Nutritional Therapist
BSc(Hons), DipION, mBANT, CNHC
07398 786887